Sunday, September 12, 2010

damn tired! -.-

OMG! i'm so damn tired! y?

cause i'm bz doing my maths project just now~ 
i used up 1 h n 45 min ah! but just only did 2 chapters of it! D:

I NOE! so little! LOL =p
but its so damn hard to do bwa~ 

y do i have to finish doing it so quickly? cause my science project (which i haven't even do) need to be pass up on the same day~ n my history project ( which my group only did quater of it) have to be pass up 2 days after!
so tired! >.<

tomorrow i have to wake up at around 9a.m? cause i need to go The Mall with my sister n ying~ to meet up with my sister's friends~
y is it so early? cause the movie starts at around 11:30a.m +(?)
gah! tired tired tired tired! >.<

I'm hungry now! T.T

but then on diet so can't eat -.-
i think i'm getting moody~ LOL

cause i'm so damn tired right now n hungry! >.<

but then i won't~ hahaha~ i don't like getting moody -.- its no fun =p


hmm......i'm thinking of changing my blog skin~ yes or no?

my opinion: more of the yes n less of the no~ LOL

i don't noe how to change the blog skin n my sister is almost going back to UK le( BOO HOO!!!!! T.T ) so have to quickly decide =p

k~ gonna end here for no~ gonna go sleep le! quickly! or else i'll have to suffer the torture ( hungry!)

ta-ta!!!!! =D 

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