Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Am i gonna feel better?

I think i'm having a cold now -.-

gah! hate colds! 
cause i can't breathe properly when i wake up from my sleep -.-

Today kena woken up by my own cold ah! guess what time i woke up? 
6:45a.m+ ah!

so damn early right?! -.-

it's almost my BFF's birthday le!
that is Rezel! =D

*fireworks shooting to the sky*
n also which means it's Kan's birthday!

*kan from F.cuz*
love them both so muchie! =D

Tomorrow gonna have a meeting bout the 8KM run~ which me, ying, tinn n kally participated in~

its a competition~
felt like don't wanna run cause it's freaking 8KM leh! n also it's a competition~ scared i'll get last~ T.T

okie! end here!
cause gonna go training for the 8KM run!!!!

wish me luck! ^.^ =D

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