Thursday, July 8, 2010


I mean ok lah~ I'm quite relief cause my chinese oral is finish n i think it's ok lah.....

n also because my P.E test  is finish! =D

but then!

My legs will hurt for sure!>.<

n also now i'm very sick!!!!

Its all because of this blog's other owner(referring to ying! =D ), she passed it to me! >.<


hate this feeling very much! >.<

I kept on complaining to my friend today! HAHA 

kasian her =p

sorry ya zel~ O.<

I'm so damn uncomfortable right now! Totally sick!

My voice change le ah~ T.T


Woots! Ryeowook so cute + hot at an MV callled "No Other"

Frank introduce it to me de! thankz frank! =D

KyunHyun also very suai lah~ but then i prefer RYEOWOOK! LOL! =p

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