Friday, July 23, 2010


yeah~ i noe...its so damn late le but i'm still onlining~ =D
But i wanna blog something mah~ so i'm using my sister's laptop right now~ ^.^V

just now me, my younger sister(which is my twin sister) n also my older sister was talking bout something~

then my sister(my older one.....the younger one i'll be calling her by her name =D) said something(that i couldn't tell u guys bout it) that was really really damn funny!

I laugh till tears came out from my eyes ah! i seldom laugh till like that~
mostly with my family then only i will.....=D

We just now also took some pictures using my sister's laptop de camera~ so many pictures!
Maybe will be uplaoding next time cause haven't edit it yet~ =p


sister's now taking pictures using camera(not laptop de) n i mean sister's are my sister~ excluding me cause i'm blogging~ HAHAHA

i don't even noe if u guys understand what i'm saying or not -.-


i want to use twitter now! but then loading so long still cannot cause the internet kept on connect than disconnect! hate it so much -.-
i was suppose to post something at around 11:55 something but then i went n took pictures with my sisters!


love it so muchie =p

ok~ gonna stop here for now~

tomorrow( i mean TODAY!) gonna have tuition starting from 9:00a.m till 12:00p.m but i still haven't sleep -.-

now already 12:25a.m le~


Good morning ya guys! but then i have to say good night cause i'm gonna go sleep now =p

night night! ^.^V

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