Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Last test for 1st Trial......


finally its the final test for 1st Trial! =D
In order to celebrate it....my sister belanja me n my sister to eat lunch!

we're gonna go with her friend "Steph" n one of my best(X 10000000) friend "shintinn"

yeah! its gonna be fun! =p

Yesterday i studied a lot cause its the last day!( no lah~ usually also a lot or else i'll be dead meat if i get back my results....if u noe what i mean =D)
But then half way studying.....i vain a little~

Gonna show u guys some of it =p

but then have to wait till i edit finish first then only u guys can see =D


Don't mind me vaining ya! =p
I'm too bored so i vain lu~

Have nothing to do bwa~(except studying -.-)

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