Tuesday, July 27, 2010

freedom! =D


finally exams are over!

today damn happy!
Had a lot of fun too! =D
i noe u guys(my reader....DUH! -.-) don't understand what i'm talking bout right?

haha =p
k then....gonna explain it to u guys! ^.^
This will include: Me, ying, shintinn, my sister n my sister's friend Steph =p

Today after exam....got hang out for a while at school but then for a (very) while only~ cause after that we went to my sister's friend house to take a bath! I mean of course after we sent shintinn back to her house to go n take a bath too   *her house lives near Steph's house*

Then at around 1:oop.m to 1:30p.m we went to "Ahan Thai" (<= a Thailand food restaurant)

Me, ying n shintinn was thinking of vaining in their toilet de but then the toilet very very small n also dirty so we in the end didn't~ HAHA =p

But afraid not! cause at other places have =D
after that~ shintinn wanted to go up the cyber cafe to see how it looks like so we went lu~ but then halfway to the cyber....we saw one of the students from CHMS then we was like running to different directions~

U guys weren't there(of course -.-)

so u guys won't think its funny~ HAHAHA =D

we went to Supa Save cause we wanted to buy foods for making Cabonara Spaghetti but then Supa Save have nothing de~ -.- i mean have but too little stocks~ so we went to Kuilap Hua Ho
Had fun over there too~ HAHAHA =p

me n ying ying bought some stuffs for making my sister's birthday present too....
After finish buying....we went back to Steph's home~ then me, ying n shintinn went downstairs n vain~ =p

gonna show u guys all those pictures! =p including some randoms one from our happy moments :p

 Monkey! saw at Supa Save~ =p

This dog kept on following me, ying n shintinn~

very active~


Kasian we have to go back at around 4:30 p.m cause my sister driving then scared have many cars~ so we have to go back early~

If we can stay back longer we sure have many more vain pictures~


k~ end here for now~

*LONG post right? =p* 

bye! chao!

nightz guys! ^.^ =p =D

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