Sunday, July 25, 2010

didn't u guys notice?...

the weather in Brunei is getting colder everyday -.-

usually at night it will rain~
So its always super cold during night time~

yesterday i woke up in the middle of the night because of raining but then mostly because my sister n ying was talking bout things~ 
so i woke up n listen to what they talking bout then after a while......i fall asleep again~ HAHAHA =D

2 more exams to go n then Y8 students in CHMS will be free! yeah!

Form 5 de cannot yet cause they have exams till the 29th~
kasian right? =p

My sister said that she'll bring us to eat lunch on Tuesday for celebrating that our exams are over!

yeah! finally can go out le!
but then just only go eat lunch.....haizzz ....can't go out shopping =p

but nvm! loL! =D
2 more minutes then i'm off to tuition!

so that means i'm gonna stop here now!
sorry readers~ have to wait till next time ya~ =p

*till next time......* ^.^V

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