Tuesday, June 22, 2010

listening to songs

I'm in my school's computer lab right now~ =D

i'm plurking, listening to Always be my baby by David Cook but then its ending le~ so.....i'm gonna change to....Gotta go my own way by High School Muscical de people =p

AH! so loud! =.=

* decreasing the volume~* =D


so lame ah me -.- =p

But then...fun for me HAHAHA! =p

I don't have extra classes on Monday n Tuesday le~ change to only Thursday~

boohoo....i can't always play in my school le~ haizz.....have to always go back home n study =.=

WHAT! We're(CHMS students- gonna have government test de) gonna have another exam in 19 of July than on 16 of August have anther also~ kekdao ah!

I think i'm gonna die in the middle of the studying...-.- CHOI! LOL! =S

hmm.....now listening to Butterfly Fly Away by Miley Cyrus....I love this song! =D

ok i'm gonna stop here right now~ cause it's almost gonna ring le~ than i'm gonna have chinese for the next lesson.....haizzz..-.- i hate chinese although i'm a chinese~ HAHA! =p

k~ bye guys~ have a great day~  =D ^^V ^.^

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