Saturday, June 19, 2010

Gah! -.-


i can't blog or put in the pictures from my camera cause ying ying borrowed the camera cable to Shintinn Jie~


Nvm lah~ =D I'll blog next time then bout Claudia's party~ =D

Hmm...I had a lot of fun! =D


I'm not gonna talk bout it now or else next time when i want to post the pictures, i will have nothing to talk bout one~ LOL! =D

Ah....Today nothing really happen..except for tonight of course! =]

Umm...i still have left one more Malay Book to read than i will finish my Malay Project le! excluding typing into the computer and print it out of course =p

*looking at my cat cleaning herself* LOL! so random right? =D but i really have nothing to talk bout bwa....

N! i don't want this post to be short like last time =D so i have to talk bout what i'm doing now but than i'm not talking bout anything -.-

I'm talking bout nonsense right? -.-

Bah! don't wanna blog le~ or else i'll just kept on talking bout nonsense~ =p >.< =D


nightz! =p

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