Thursday, March 11, 2010

My cousin, ying n me =D

Today my "tang ge"(der horng) n "tang mei"(hui yi) came to my house.....

N also "shen shen"

I don't not y they came

haha! =p

I was half sleeping when my tang mei came in our room to find us~

*half sleeping - half asleep n half awake*

Ying ying didn't even woke up to greet hui yi lah =.=

Ying ah~ so rude lol!

Then my tang mei told me jokes~

It's quite funny though......although i forgot bout it le =D

Then i came down~

of course with hui yi~ but without ying.....

I went into my study room n do my h/w~


Talk with hui yi n der horng




I don't want to talk so much cause it's boring =.=

I'll just skip to the part where i need to add photos cause we took a lot of photos.....

although maybe i'll just post some =D

*from left to right*

[Hui Yi - me(wanfang) - Der Horng]

[Hui Yi - Ying - Der Horng]

*from the top-left to the bottom-right*

[Ying - Der Horng - Hui Yi - ME!]

[Der Horng - Hui Yi - Ying - Me]


that one was me who force my cuz to do it de!


so funny right?!

I love that pic so damn much =D

After taking all those pictures, we went walking round n round cause nothing to do then!

Some kid lah~ threw stones + sand at my cuz Der Horng!

I don't even nor y lah~

Then oh, Der Horng was saying to that kid "u want to pic a fight is it? huh? huh?" *cause that kid threw at him for around 2-3 times* but i wouldn't let cause that kid is still too young~

I was very scared he will really fight with him u noe?!

I kept on pulling him away~ haha!

then, at last i succeeded in it.......


Later that, we went back~

Then they went back home le~



it's kinda lame cause i didn't go into details bout all those stuff~

lazy =p

n also don't noe how~ haha =D


post finish le~

gonna end here =p

tata~ =D

hope u guys enjoy it ^^

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