Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hair so short! T.T / parent's day

Today i went to salon n got my hair cut T.T

So short ah!

I have no choice de~

cause if i didn't cut, then my parent will 100% be angry with me~

Even my father T.T


Today i kept on messanging people cause i need to confirm if they r coming to my house on sunday to do Geo Project or not =p

Then oh!

I message Kong Yuan Hao (a.k.a ah kang) but he didn't reply me so i message again~

Then he said "who r u?"

Then i told him i'm wan fang lu~ n also ask him ur yuan hao right(cause i don't noe his phone number at first)?

Then oh~

*i didn't even expect it*

he went n call me!

luckily my mother didn't heard it or else i die ah!



My mother bought a new phone today~

i think it's much more nicer to use than the last one~

Maybe because the keypad is nicer to press =D

ok now to talk bout parent's day~

Today i didn't even get any complains from my teachers

They said that i'm very good in class~ ( YEAH FOR ME! =D)

Then oh, Mr.Salifu lah, said that he likes my character but need to be more like rezel.....that means i need to be more active which also means that i have to raise up my hand more often to answer questions~


Then oh!

My form teacher said that she wants to change my seat T.T

i also don't noe y cause i'm talking to my friend "Rezel".

Then when i came back from "The Salon" i asked ying what did father said so that teacher told me i have to change seat?

then ying said she also don't noe


lol! =p

I forgot to take my camera so i didn't take pictures~

kasian~ =(

bah gonna end here now~

or else oh someone will be angry cause i blog too........long =p

tata~ =D

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