Sunday, February 21, 2010

Morning *yawn*

Morning guys!
Later at 12:00p.m i have tuition~ =D

it's maths tuition so i'm happy bout it =D

It's 9:25 le~ later need to do my maths homework so that if some of the questions i don't noe then later at tuition can ask my teacher =p

Today i also have to do my chinese essay T.T

Now very bored =.=

Nothing to do~

Maybe later i will play online games =D

But oh~

I forgot le, later my brother want to use the computer le...... so don't noe can or not =p

I want to watch "My name is Khan" !

But leh~

i don't noe how to find from youtube T.T


I just realize that i haven't blog bout what happen during Chinese New Year~ =D

Maybe next time i will blog cause now my camera no battery so i cannot use my camera~

I took a lot of pictures~

I mean not on 14 of Feb it's on other days~

ok gtg le~ lazy to blog le =D

bye~ =p

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