Thursday, November 19, 2009

JAC JAC!!!!!

[Wan Fang]
NO!!!!!! my cat( Jac Jac) is lost!!!!!
I don't noe where she went.
Don't even noe y she went away......maybe go find bf/lao gong "or" people took her away n lock her in the house or or umm......i don't noe le
But i only noe that our cat( Jac Jac) is missing!!
I miss her so.......much already!!! T.T
I wish she would come back now.
It's the second time(in our family) a black cat went missing already. I hate it. My mum love Jac Jac alot cause it's black.
Jie don't worry we will try to find her. But the only thing is........i don't noe if we can find it or not. We don't even noe where to start or when she went missing but i guess it's at night....
Bah gtg noe

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