Monday, November 23, 2009

27 of November!!!



On 27 of November me, ying n my friend Joelle was suppose to celebrate our birthday(me n ying's belated bithday n Joelle's advanced birthday) at The Mall but now we can't cause Joelle can't go. She's going somewhere with her family.

Y must it be on that day!!!!~

Y can't it be on the 28 of November!!!!~~


Finaly i can go out with my friends but no~ we can't now T.T

I wanna go!!! I did ask my friend Cynthia to ask Joelle if she can beg her mum to go on the 28 of November. But we can't ask it now cause Joelle didn't online =p

We decide to celebrate it on Wednesday but then i think my mum will not let me~ n also it's almost wednesday already, we don't have much time to comfirm n also tell the peoples that we've invited.

It's very confusing now~

Don't noe when were gonna celebrate it but i think that it's confirm on Friday but then what bout the other birthday girl(Joelle). T.T

Haizz...... nvm

We'll think bout it but maybe(maybe only) that we will not celebrate already but not sure yet
haha =p

Bah gtg now bye


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