Thursday, December 27, 2012

조규현 , 닉쿤

DEAD! one word describes this currently dead-ish blog and since i'm am soo "free" i might just gonna blog about Thailand trip :) 

(pictures are taken from instagram )

First thing after arriving of course was photo taking. That place was so huge. Took us a while to reach the luggage place. Hardest part of this trip was the language barrier. omg some of them don't understand english and i don't understand their hand language.

But Thailand's stuff is so cheap! Mummy even asked for discount even though their stuff is so freaking cheap

See how much stuff I've bought? Well, not all of it was mine but almost a quarter? lol seriously Thailand is a recommended place. Their people are even friendly. Only some of them are mean.

Bought 9 boxes of Polaroid films. Spent around 100+ on them? But it's not expensive! That much for 100+? pfft i bet buying them here might reach up to 200+. Plus i bought that close up lens! Now we can vain easily :)

Did i mention that Thailand food is extremely delicious! At least it suit our Asian's taste. 

Although some of their foods are supper spicy until i could only eat one bite and drink a gulp of water next but other than that it's delicious (Y) 

Went to the famous Floating Market. They sold alot of local food. Lots of interesting foods, (Yea i talked about food alot cause i just ate all the way in Thailand :) . What's there's to enjoy without food? ) 

I, myself recommend the Mango Sticky Rice. It's famous in Thailand. I bet when you look up on the internet they would also recommend this. It's mango so i loves it accompanied by that sticky rice and it's perfect! 

Found this in the Floating Market. Coconut vanilla ice-cream. Real coconut shell top with vanilla ice-cream and a little bit of nuts. A new flavour to me as they do really have coconut flesh in it.

Found Churros in Thailand but nahhhh, it's not that good. Uk's Churros is way way wayyyyy better.

See that guy behind the counter? It's hot dude! call F to stand in front so i can fake a shot but sadly he was looking down doing some stuff :( But at least i spotted a lot more hot dudes there. Thailand seriously has a lot of hot guys there!

Squirrels! Aren't they cute? This one is a tame one. Give him something to much on and it'll stay at wherever you put it on and it'll much away! (Even on top of heads, see that bottom right?)

See who've I've spotted! Kyuhyun and Nickhun! I was soo happy when i spotted their poster. But on the other side i'm sad cause i only spotter 2 of Nichkhun's posters. I thought he was suppose to be the "star" of the country? First day i arrived and i didn't even saw one of his picture :(

Last day, had high-tea @ Twinings.That three layer trays are so high-class (top picture). Their Scone? Sucks.. ewww mummy made them way better! How can a scone be soft? Their Macaroons? Not that good either. Uk's was way better too.

Their Christmas decoration. So pretty. Wonders why Brunei doesn't have this type of decoration. They don't even have Christmas feels here. Although I don't really mind. All i mind is New Year's feel :)