Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sultan's birthday <3

woke up at around 5 in the morning today cause my teacher asked us to be at school by 6:30a.m and I have to use at least 1 hour to be ready~ I meant me and my sister~

So I woke up sleepily and got prepared~ wore my first-ever-had baju kurung which was sponsored by the government since it's about the MIB thing so we have to wear Malay attires~

went to school clipping up my hair which was a first thing for me to do too~ I've never clip up my hair to school so it's very shocking~ =p

A lot of people came already~ waited for Rezel then for Joelle~ =p

When all reached, we went to the toilet to see how to wear a tudung~ HAHAHA! I know~ we're useless when it comes to tudung and stuffs like that~ hey~ I'be never wore one ok? =p never even touched it before~ got help from Rezel since she knows how~ =D

But I hated the tudung~ it's so ugly! Looks so old on us and it does not even match our white shirt and dark blue skirt~ omg! I can't believe the government would give us this kind of tudung~ -_____-

Was deciding on wearing it when we reached our true destination but teacher told us to wear it at school before going so I have to suffer through embarrassment of letting other people see it~ =( I know, in the end I still have to let them see it but at least it's not that fast~ HAHAHA!

One thing that pop-ed into my mind when we're all done with our tudung is 1st, we all look like spoons! HAHAHA! And 2nd, it's so damn hot! We're covered from head to toe~ I can't understand how malay females can tahan how hot it is~ even when they exercise, that have to wear their tudung! My gosh! If I were them, I would faint there and then ~ D:

K~ back to the topic~ 8 o'clock came then we walked to the Taman SOAS~ sit by the stairs waiting for the person in charge to call us over to get ready~ didn't eat any of the foods that they sponsored too cause I know it's not delicious~ when the man in charge call us over to get ready~ we took our bunga *something* and went to stay by the walkway~

Stood there waiting I think for about half an hour then Sultan came! With his sons of course and I think his brother? =p

I only saw the crown prince though~ I didn't see Sultan in the driver's seat~ HAHAHA! Didn't notice~

Saw the super hot prince too ! I think his name is Prince Martin or was it Prince Malik? HAHAHA! I'm not sure~ =p

Ok I'm skipping a lot of details here cause there really isn't anything special~

After the performance, we took some picture and went to Lapau for lunch but then we waited for the Sultan to start eating for too long so in the end we took off~ yeah~ missed the chance to have the honor of eating with the Sultan eventhough we can't see him~ HAHAHA! Then of course after all these~ we went back home~

K! Pictures!

[ying - zel - joelle]
[ying - me - joelle - xuan - zel]
[xuan - me - ying - zel]
