Tuesday, December 28, 2010

♥ day 2 in kapalai island ♥

woke up at 6.45 because 3 of us have to share a bathroom. ssooo kekdao! -.-''

after tat went for breakfast downstairs. it's not a nice breakfast at all! -.-'''' there's actually no food! ><"" but it's ok.. im not really hungry at tat time anyway~ :DD

took our HEAVY luguage down then hops into da bus and off to kapalai island!

before we hops into da boat to kapalai island~ da bus took us to a place where we could see indonesian just byy standing there! :DD

and then went to have our lunch at a seafood restaurant ^^Y food are quite nice (Y) but da service ishh soo freaking slow -.-'' took them 30 mins to prepare finished ><""

thennnnn...... boaty! here i come! :DD

even thought the boat tat we sat was not an opened boat~ but da wind ishh still BIG! OO :DD

had an awesome ride cause we had a boat race with another boat! but it's also out ppl~ 

we lost in da end cause on da way we have to stop for a while cause of something stuck in da engine? oo? but of cause after awhile jiu ok le~ else how can we get there?! :DD

Finally reached there! 

and we're just in time for lunch~ wahahah SECOND ROUND LUNCH! LOL sooo took a plate and started puting food onto our plates~ wahahahah

after tat we took a tour around da resort with our cousinss! and guess wat! da view ishh super duper awesome! i never thought tat it would be this beautiful! :DD and when i say it's BEAUTIFUL i mean it's ishhh really really "B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L"

after taking a tour around da resort~ we went to check out our rooms! :D

after tat~ BACK TO VAINING! wahahaha :DD

but it's not me whose vaining~ hahaha it's fang~ soo here's only her pichasss~ :D but of cause there's also some of da viewssss~ cannot resist taking some~ toooo beautiful! WAHAHA :)

obviously after some time, we couldn't resisted trying out da water :)

soo we changed our cloths into something homeyyyy then off we go! :D

ok.. there's a bad news to tat.. i can't go swimming with them!! T.T obviously because of something PRIVATE! :DD

but i had lots of fun taking pichasss of themm ^^Y

although myy cousins doesn't noe how to swim and just stand on da platform~ but i can see tat they had lots of fun too! :)

a sudden laughter came from da other side OO and it;s loud! sooo i check to see wat's soo funny?

and guess wat? myy daddy's friends caught a STARFISH! and a SEA CUCUMBER! OO?!!!!

WOAH! can you guys believe it! OO?!

and look!! da starfshh looks sooo pwetty! :) although those testicles looks disgusting buttt! still beautiful! hahaha :DD im soo lucky to have seen a starfish this close :)

but look... da sea cucumber looks sooo D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G! ><""
it spit out something tat look like mian xian.. omg . soo disgusting T.T
im soooo unlucky to see this..><"" LOL

anywaysss~ played for a few hours and then all of us went back to our rooms. took a bath and off to have our dinner :) they have nice food ya noe (Y)! :D

went to find sea turtles because da staff there told us they like to come in da night and guess wat! we saw a HUGE sea turtles! :DD

we saw 1 but we couldn't get a picture of it ><""

nothing to do after dinner soo we went to da games room to check da pool table and da ping pong table out :D

we actually don't noe how to play da pool~ but who do we care~ we're having FUN! hahahaah :DD

played for hours, laugh for hours but in da end da day always end soo we all went back to our room and had a good night sleep :)