Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tang Yuan festival!~

[Wan Fang]

I noe it's kind of late already but i still want to blog it =p

lol =p

That's it haha =p


Friday, December 4, 2009

Thingz that I've did at home and other thingz~

[Wan Fang]

First i'm gonna say the other thingz happen these days.....

My father bought a guitar for my brother because my brother wants to learn it but then my brother don't want to take lessons so his going to learn it from the internet. But~ i don't know if my father wants my brother to learn it from the internet or take lessons.

My brother don't want to take lessons maybe it's because he will be too bz n also don't want my father to waste so....many money~

I'm just guessing that....


I'll just show u guys the pictures of my brother's new guitar =p

[This is the new guitar that my father bought for my brother from a shop called contessa]

[This is the pick for his guitar]

I've noticed that learning guitar is very very very.....hard!

Anyway It's time for the thingz that i've did at home

On thursday i bought a model(car) the i build it n also paint it......

I don't know if it's nice or not but i'm just gonna show it.... =p

[This is the model that i've build n paint =p]

[It's the same =p]

ok that's all
